

Section 1. NAME
The name of this Association shall be The Three Rivers Counseling Association.
This Association is organized as the Three Rivers Chapter of the Texas Counseling Association.
Section 3. PURPOSE
The purpose of this Association shall be:
  1. To unite in one organization all persons engaged or interested in any phase of counseling work in the area of West Texas included in the following named counties: Tom Green, Coke, Concho, Runnels, Coleman, Sutton, Schleicher, Sterling, Crockett, and Irion;
  2. To maintain and improve professional standards in the field of counseling in the West Texas area;
  3. To coordinate counseling activities in the West Texas area functioning through either public or private agencies;
  4. To encourage the development of counseling activities throughout the West Texas area;
  5. To serve as a central clearing agency for information pertinent to present or contemplated counseling progress in the West Texas area;
  6. To disseminate information and focus public attention on legislation in any way affecting counseling in the West Texas area;
  7. To stimulate creative and experimental activities in the counseling field; and
  8. To promote research in counseling work in the West Texas area,
Section 1. Any person residing in the area who is engaged in or interested in counseling is eligible to become a member.
Section 2. Members of the Association shall be invited and urged to apply for membership in one or more divisions of the Texas Counseling Association and will be active members by joining.
Section 3. All members of this Association will be encouraged to apply for membership in the American Counseling Association and its divisions.
Section 4. Student Membership
  1. Any graduate or undergraduate student interested in counseling related fields shall be eligible for student membership at no cost.
  2. Any person who has met the qualifications for student membership may not vote nor hold office.

Section 5. Retired Membership
Persons who retired from employment in the counseling field are eligible for regular membership and shall pay dues as a regular member.
Section 6. Emeritus Membership
Persons residing in the designated area of West Texas who have made a significant contribution to the field of counseling may be elected to emeritus status and may serve as regular members without paying dues. Such persons shall be nominated by the nominating committee.


Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Senator to TCA shall serve as an officer.
Section 2. Duties
  1. The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of the Association, Chairperson of the Board of Directors and shall preside at all general meetings of the Association. The President shall appoint members to the committees unless the method is otherwise specified and shall hold ex-officio membership in all committees.
  2. The President-Elect shall act in place of the President at all Association or Board of Directors meetings which the President is unable to attend and shall serve as chairperson of the Program Committee.
  3. The Secretary shall keep the records of the current activities of the Association and its Board of Directors; shall issue all notices of meetings; shall be responsible for the maintenance of the membership rolls of the Association.
  4. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse funds of the Association, subject to an approved budget and the approval of the President; shall make a financial report to the Association at its annual business meeting.
  5. A Senator to serve in the TCA Senate will be elected by the Association to serve a three-year term and shall be considered as an officer of the Association. Duties of the Senator are governed by TCA.
Section 3. Election
The officers shall be elected by majority vote of the Association membership at the annual business meeting from a slate presented by the nominating committee.
Nominations from the floor are allowed with the written consent of the nominee. Nominees shall be active members of TCA.
Section 4. Compensation of Officers
Officers and the Board members may be reimbursed for direct expenses of the Association upon request and approval of the Board.
Section 5. Uncompleted Terms of Office
  1. Vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President-elect.
  2. Other vacancies shall be filled by persons appointed by the Board of Directors.

Section 1. Composition
The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the Association, the immediate Past President, the President-Elect, the Secretary-Elect, and the Treasurer-Elect, the Senator and the Senator Alternate.
Section 2. The Board of Directors of the association shall serve as board for formulation and recommendation of policies to the Association, and shall carry on such business for the Association as shall be specifically delegated by the By-Laws and Association.
Section 3. Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President.


Section 1. Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be elected in the same manner as the officers. It shall consist of the three members who shall serve for one year. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to present a slate of nominees for President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Nominating Committee Members to the membership at the annual business meeting yearly. The slate shall include a nominee for Senator and Senator Alternate in the appropriate years. The Nominating Committee may present nominees for emeritus members at any meeting of the membership.
Section 2. The President shall appoint members and/or chairpersons to the standing committees of Finance and Membership. The President-Elect shall be Chairperson of the Program Committee which shall be a standing committee.
Section 3. Other committees shall be appointed by the President as necessary.

Section 1. Regular meetings of the Association shall be scheduled by the Board of Directors and announced in writing to the membership.
Section 2. The annual business meeting shall be held in the month of May and shall include election and installation of officers, financial report, and other business as announced.

Section 1. Dues
Annual Association dues shall be established by action of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Budget